
What is Philosophy? A Detailed Definition

What Is Philosophy?

It was man's quest for knowledge of the universe and general existence that led to the development of philosophy. Man started by mere speculations to expain the daily occurences he witnessed. He tries to unravel the true nature of things and ultimate truth.

The word 'Philosophy' has been given many definitions by different people and in different ways. However, Philosophy is known to be coined from two Greek words- 'philos' which means love, and 'Sophia' which means wisdom. Therefore, in a wider sense, philosophy is known as the love for wisdom. This notion originated from the early Greek philosophers, particulary Pythagoras who was called a wise man but prefered to be called  'a lover of wisdom'.

There is no generally acceptable definition of the subject matter 'Philosophy'. Different people have different views and definitions of philosophy. For instance, Plato, in his work 'Charmides' described it as the 'science of itself and of other sciences'. As Biology deals wih the study of living things and their functions, Physics deals with matter as a whole and Sociology deals with man and his society, so does Philosophy deal with itself and other scientific fields of study.

Some Definitions by Philosophers

  • Immanuel Kant, a German Philospher, in his own view said that Philosophy deals with the problems of the knowledge of the universe. He asks himself the questions; What is man? What can I know? What ought I to do?

  • Bertrand Russel concieves Philosophy as an inttermediary between theology and science. This implies that Philosophy embodies both reality in the material form and beyond the material form. 

  • Rene Descartes, a French Philosopher viewed Philosophy as "a method of reflective thinking and enquiry".
  • James L. Christian, in his view, said that Philosophy is learning how to ask and re-ask questions until meaningful answers begin to appear.

  • Wittgenstein defined as an activity which seeks logical clarification of thoughts.
Summarily, Philosophy began as a child of wonder. It asks the questions; what is real? what is the primary stuff of all things? Does God really exists?

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